

User Researcher


Visual Design


3 Months


Personal Project




Problem Icon

The Problem

In today’s digital age, meeting new people and expanding social networks can be challenging, especially when encounters are brief and information is limited. Traditional social media apps don't bridge the gap between real-world interactions and digital connections efficiently.

Challenge Icon

The Challenge

How might we develop a mobile application that enables users to seamlessly connect with new people they meet in their daily lives, access their social profiles, and expand their network, all while respecting privacy and consent?

Design Timeline


User Interviews


Brainstorming, Wireframes, System Map, Visual Design


High Fidelity



To understand the needs and privacy concerns of potential users, we conducted ten user interviews with individuals across different age groups and professions. Our questions focused on three main criteria:

Interview Question Criteria

Self Regulation Icon

Networking Needs

Communication Icon

Privacy Concerns

Engagement Icon

User Experience


Difficulty in identifying and connecting with new people in social settings.

“I often see interesting people at events but don't have a way to connect with them easily.”

Worries about sharing personal information without consent.

“I want control over who can see my information and connect with me.”

Desire for a seamless and enjoyable way to expand social networks.

“I wish there was a fun app that lets me know more about people around me without feeling intrusive.”



After reviewing and gaining insights from our research, we moved on to iterating over the features we wanted in our application. This involved deciding on the intended user-flow, addressing key pain points from our insights, and creating a system map to guide the design process.

Key Solution Elements from Needs:


Seamless Connection

  • Quick recognition of new acquaintances
  • Immediate access to social media profiles
  • Effortless network expansion

Privacy Control

  • Consent-based face scanning
  • Customizable privacy settings
  • Secure data management

Enhanced Social Interaction

  • Real-time interactive map
  • Messaging and friend requests
  • Integrated social media links

Experience "Hello" in Action


Listening and Learning

Conducting user interviews provided invaluable insights, allowing us to understand real user needs and concerns. Each conversation revealed unique perspectives that were crucial in shaping the app's features and user experience.

Future Improvements

Given more time, we would like to enhance the social interaction features further, incorporating additional ways for users to engage and connect. Continuous feedback and iteration are key to refining the "Hello" app and ensuring it meets evolving user expectations.